


Complete your FREE

application today!

Applicant Information

Transfer Students

  • 已被其他机构录取并尝试大学水平课程的学生
  • 已修满12个或以上大学学分并申请宝盈bbin官方网站副学士或学士学位课程的学生

Required materials for Application

  • 大学成绩单-可以提交非官方成绩单来完成您的申请. 在注册课程之前,需要提交最终成绩单.
  • 所有的大学成绩单都必须提交给学生就读的每一所大学, prior to receiving an Admissions decision.



Exceptions to Transfer Admissions Requirements


  • 如果学生在他/她在另一所大学的第一学期申请, 高中信息将用于做出录取决定. High school information will be converted to a 4.并授予相应的转学奖学金-需要高中成绩单.
  • If a student has attempted credits at the college level, he/she will be required to submit a high school transcript:
    • If the student successfully withdrew from the courses, a high school transcript will be used, the GPA converted to a 4.0 scale and appropriate transfer merit scholarship awarded.
    • If the student failed the courses, 或未正确退课导致其成绩单成绩为F, 高中信息将被用来确定在宝盈bbin官方登录的成功潜力,学生将被考虑进入过渡课程. No scholarship will be awarded in this case.
Veteran Students

退伍军人学生是任何曾经或正在美国武装部队服役的学生. 退伍军人学生的申请将根据他们的学术历史作为非传统的新生或转学生进行审查.

Visit our Veteran page for more information

First Time Freshman

A First time Freshman is a student who:

  • 即将从高中毕业的学生(不管在校期间修了多少大学学分)
  • GED接受者或已完成高中学业的学生没有参加过任何其他高等教育机构.
  • 毕业后未修满12个或以上大学学分的学生, 正在申请宝盈bbin官方网站的副学士或学士学位课程

Learn more about First Time Freshman Requirements here

International Students

An International Student is a student who is not a U.S. citizen and is seeking to attend Paul Smith’s College.

Learn more about International Admissions.

Dates and Deadlines

  • Spring 2025: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
  • Spring Deposit Deadline: January 31, 2025
    National College Decision Day: May 1, 2025
    Last day to commit: July 31, 2025
  • Fall 2025:
    • Early Action: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
    • Regular Decision: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
  • Summer 2025 (Graduate programs only):
    • Graduate Assistantship Deadline: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
    • Graduate Regular Decision: Wednesday, April 16, 2025

Transfer Credit Evaluations


这是任何想转到宝盈bbin官方网站的学生都会遇到的问题. 下面你会发现有关信用评估的信息, 宝盈bbin官方登录接受的学分和成绩以及您在转学时的学生身份要求- I.e.: Sophomore, Junior, etc.

Credit Evaluation Information

Within 10 days of your acceptance, 你的招生顾问会与你联系,对你进行初步的信用评估. 这个评估将提供你在宝盈bbin官方网站所选专业的学分分配概况.



Grades & Courses


AP, IB, CPEP, CLEP and ACE courses are also accepted.

有关转移学分的详细信息可在 College Catalog.

Registering for Classes

When transferring to Paul Smith’s College, 你将被分配一名学术顾问,你将与他一起制定你的时间表. 

  • 秋季学期学生:您将在入学指导期间与一位教师会面,以确定您的时间表
  • 春季学期学生:您将通过电子邮件与您的学术顾问联系,以便在来到校园之前设置一个时间来完成您的时间表.


Incoming Student Status

When you receive your credit evaluation, 转学分的数量将决定你的学生身份:

  • First-year status- 0 to 29 credit hours
  • Sophomore status- 30 to 59 credit hours
  • Junior status- 60 to 89 credit hours
  • Senior status- 90 or more credit hours

Financial Aid & Scholarships



New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) 

Vermont Student Assistance Corp. (VSAC)

Visit our Financial Aid 更多关于费用的信息或访问你的经济援助门户网站.

Higher Education Opportunity Program

The Arthur O. 高等教育机会计划(HEOP)是纽约州教育部和宝盈bbin官方网站之间的合作项目. HEOP provides a means for traditionally underserved, 低收入家庭学生获得录取以及学术和经济支持.

If you are currently enrolled in a EOP/HEOP program, 请直接与你的招生顾问联系,了解更多关于这些福利转移的信息,或访问 HEOP Website to lean more!

Veteran Benefits

Yellow Ribbon Program logo宝盈bbin官方登录自豪地参与了黄丝带计划,并接受了9/11后的GI福利. 如果你对使用这些福利来补充你的教育费用有疑问, please contact the Financial Aid office at 518-327-6220 or financialaid@zykx8.com for more information.


Community College Partnerships

宝盈bbin官方登录提供与纽约州社区学院的合作机会. To learn more if you qualify, please contact:

Bailey Walton

Director of Admissions



Student Success

宝盈bbin官方登录的学术和职业成功中心为学生提供各种免费的学术指导服务, tutoring, supplemental instruction & 学习小组,写作中心,职业探索,简历建设等等! Click here to learn more about the programs and services available to you as a Paul Smith’s College student >>

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